Sunday, January 11, 2009

How do I relate to Faith? How did Don Richardson relate to Faith? How do the Sawi relate to Faith?

When it comes to Faith most everyone relates the same, even thought there are many different religions that people fallow that doesn’t change much. You have three major groups when it comes to how people relate to their faith, people that couldn’t care less about it, people that know their faith but don’t practice it to its full extent, then finally people that know their faith and fallow it every day of their life.
The way that I relate to my faith is by knowing my religion and practicing it every day, not doing everything the normal human would want to do but not giving in to temptations out there and trying to help others not just worry about myself. Don Richardson related to his faith by going and helping many people survive. A whole tribe that was possibly going to be ruined and he put his whole life aside to go to this strange land where he could possibly die putting his life in danger to help others. Making his life the way his faith had done for him. Then finally the Sawi tribe relates to their faith by saving the believe system and not just conforming to other places. They found a way to take what Don Richardson showed them and his teachings and didn’t just totally transfer to what he said but adapted their already existing faith and embraced this new faith.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. You have worked hard and produced excellent discussion. Keep up this great work! Mrs.Mc.