Thursday, December 4, 2008

How would uncivilized cultures react upon receiving technology beyond their comprehension?

If uncivilized cultures got technology beyond their comprehension I believe they would use it in ways we would of never thought, like if a cave man go a tooth brush he would maybe try to use it to scratch is body, or something of that nature.
There is this show back in the states I don’t know if they have it in Korea but its called “Phil of the Future” its about this boy who is from the future and took a time machine around the years in the past and when he gets to 2008 his time machine breaks and him and his family are stuck there until his father can fix it. He goes around using all kinds of things in odd ways and everyone finds him completely weird. Also while he was traveling through time he picked up a cave man so there are two opposites in the show someone from the far future and someone from the past trying to survive in the future and trying to hide from others the fact that they aren’t from this time period. And it made it really funny and really realistic because Phills best friend would have to turn things like right side up or turn it around because he was holding it wrong and using it in a way that really doesn’t make sense to us.
But with a little instruction and setting examples they will adapt to these new things just like Phil did. Nothing comes instantly but with practice and persistence it will all come to together like a 5,000 piece puzzle.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Interesting post... you've made such good connections and your posts show tremendous depth of thought. Mrs.Mc.