Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What should society do for “uncivilized cultures” like the Sawi?
“Uncivilized culture” to me isn’t the right way to label the Sawi tribe, because when they look at our culture they might think our culture is “uncivilized.” but that’s beyond the point of this question. In some ways I believe that society should leave cultures that are still practicing the same traditions for many years and keeping that part of their life alive. Not let something that has been able to carry on for many generations just be totally demolished and changed completely.
But then when you think about it this culture was going to have to change no matter what because it was causing problems with the other cultures around them and they just couldn’t fit in anymore. So I believe that the society should not totally change the way these people are, but help to fix a few things for the better. Not just totally change their way of live but just enough to help them survive in to days modern world. Show them that there are better ways of going about doing things that don’t involve harm to the people around them. If society could help out the Sawi people in this way I believe both parties would be happy, the Sawi could still be them and the groups around them wouldn’t have to live in fear that the government wouldn’t try to totally abolish their tribe.
Most people think getting rid of something fixes it but you really have to deal head on with the problem not just a quick fix. When you stop to think about it a quick fix doesn’t satisfy everyone that’s involved.

1 comment:

Davidoo said...

Chelsea, I agree with your thought that people should not get rid of something that they have been practicing for generations. You said in your post that people should fix some aspects of an "uncivilized culture" for better; However, I strongly believe that the people have the right to decide for their own future such as whether they want to change a part of their culture or not.