Sunday, November 30, 2008

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

For most people that answer would be, “Jesus wants us to bring religion to the Sawi people, show them who God is and lead them down the right path.” or, “ Jesus would want us to bring them the teachings of the bible and to help them repent from their sins.”
But for me, I believe that Jesus would want us to not change our believes to theirs and do what they do but accept them for the way they live. Not try to change them. I believe he would want us to keep a very open mind and not just try to change them the first time we see something wrong with them. To realize that they are people, they have their own believes just like us. Even though they don’t think the same way as us doesn’t mean we have to try to “save” them.
So all in all I think that Jesus would want every one to stay the same and for us to just accept the Sawi people for who they are not what they do or who/ what they believe in. Jesus didn’t judge anybody, he accepted them as his brothers and sisters, even when we sinned against him, why would he want us to do anything different from that?

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